Monday, 28 November 2011

Photography Studio Work

Studio Work
Many novice photographers dream of their own studio and their career in the art and fashion photography world. Many of them give up right from the start assuming that the studio equipment costs a fortune and takes many years of experience to master it. Indeed, successful professional fashion photographer has many years of experience, working with skilled models and team make-up artists, stylists and assistants in a huge studio with equipment for hundreds of thousands and a budget like the photo session.
Usually the beginners don’t know how to use the studio as they never tried and they never used the equipment in the there. When I first went to a studio I also didn’t had a clue what am I supposed to do with all the technology. So I decided to research and explore more about the functions of each equipment, therefore when I will went of doing my own final photography photo-shoot I will know exactly what effects I desire for my outcomes and how to set studio in the certain way to get results wanted.
Let's start from scratch. What is a photo studio? Overall, this is a room where we can control the light falling on the object photographed.
Professional Studios are equipped with;
 In some studies, also applies continuous light, but the flashes are much more practical and effective. For more complex projects, photographers use at least two, three and even a few flashes. At the beginning, however, is more than enough single piece. There are many techniques of lighting the scene only a single light source.
For a very limited budget you can buy so-called lamp system, the one that clings to the camera sled. Better, and consequently, more expensive solution is professional study lamp. Connected to a power outlet or generator is charging faster than light system powered by batteries. Furthermore, it is compatible with lots of light modifiers, which distribute them appropriately or focus, depending on your needs. A good study lamp is an expense of several thousand, but of course at the beginning of the appropriate replacement will be less powerful for less money.

Lighting Stand
 For stubborn we can put the lamp on the table or give to hold assistant. Convenient, however, buy a tripod lamp lighting system in case of extra special handle. A single stand already gets a cost of £50 kit with a handle about £100. In such a lamp holder and additionally assume you can mount a very popular and convenient light modifier, which is:
 There are different types of umbrella lighting. Completely white which diffused light, making the person look softer. I personally like this effect as later after the photo-shoot the photos look good and I don’t have to edit the skin of the model as it’s already been lighten in result being smoother. Umbrellas and silver reflect light, casting more contrasting shadows. The market umbrellas are also universal, like white diffuser, which can assume a reflective silver cloth. Umbrella is a very convenient and relatively inexpensive light modifier - depending on size, price umbrella formed in the range of £20-65, respectively.
 There is one thing that the studio cannot fail…
 Professional, cardboard photographic background is an expense of £60. There are of course cheaper counterpart - Polypropylene background that you can already get for £15. It is Available in various colors and sizes.
 This background must be somewhere to hang. The cheapest option (not taking into account the typical "household") will be hanging it on two lighting stands - the cost of steam is about £30. On the background we can also save if we are in possession of a single, preferably grey or white wall.
The amounts are for equipment are estimated based on the average prices of these items commonly available in English shops and online auction sites. There are of course many other possibilities of photographic studio equipment, but those mentioned above are aimed at novice photographers just like me to realize that in a really small amount may have been a substitute for professional photographic studio ideal for learning and gaining experience.