Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities |
The title of my project is: ’’Can fashion photography be represented in art form?’’ Within this project I will need to explore the nature of fashion photography and its connection to the art. I will be required to know about all aspects of artistic fashion photography and be able to use it in my own work. My tasks will include the researching into the industry of fashion photography. Maybe if I will be able to find articles about art and fashion relationship; it would bring a lot of advantages into my research. I will try getting hold of the people within the business. Also I am aiming to visit gallery with artistic fashion photos. Than my aim is to produce the series of images connected to each other to create a feeling of a fashion campaign, but with the imaginative side to it. My objectives would be to gather people (my models), set the theme, chose the clothing appropriate to the theme, do the make-up and decide on the location, eventually create some setting. At the end I will be able to evaluate my work and answer my title question. | |
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project | |
I decided to concentrate my project around photography as I have a huge passion for it and I am really interested in this subject. I also believe that the project I am willing to do will help me develop my understanding in the chosen topic as well as will expand my knowledge to a wider scale. I went for fashion photography as it is my strength when it comes to practical work. I love to photograph people make them look beautiful and this is what the fashion photography is about. However my theme is not only focusing on a fashion, but how fashion photography can be combined with art, still making the same functions of persuading, promoting and encouraging people to buy products. Throughout this project my aim is to explore the artistic side of fashion photography. Why it have some many interest in our days. In order to comprehend it more I will research the earlier works of photographers and compare them with current photos. We are able to observe them every day (wherever; on billboards, posters magazines). Also I will try to find the books with materials about the art and photography associated together. The outcomes I will receive from this project, if successful; I will include the photos into my online portfolio. I think it will be very beneficial for me, because this will help me in my future employment or with applying to the university. Moreover I simply enjoy the photography so I can do something that I like while studying at the same time. | |
Section Three: Activities and timescales | |
Reasearch and Conclusions · Exploring Books – The Idealizing Vision and … · Write critical summaries about materials read previously · Look at magazines how fashion photography is represented there? · If possible interview a professional photographer? Making my Product · Gathering people interesting in Photoshoot · Setting the location and time · Plan out the clothing, make up and setting design for Photoshot · Develop the outcomes in a Photoshop, editing · Printing the final photographs Evaluating · Reflect on what I did right, what I need to improve next time · How good is my final project, how I could possibly make it better · Write evaluation of whole process assessing my actions and problem solving I have done. | How long this will take: 8 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks |
Section Four: Resources | |
In order to complete my research I would need to access the school library; borrow the books mentioned before. Also it will be necessary to look into some magazines shops and find the magazine about photography or simply any fashion magazine and find out how does the image is presented there. Furthermore I will try contact the professional photographer and interview him/her about their thoughts and ideas about the matter. I could also do the questionnaire about what kind of photos does the people like. · What colours scheme? · Settings? · Why they like the photo and what they don’t like about it? Than by being based on my results I will create my own images, which hopefully will come out as good as in the fashion magazines. |
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