Monday, 7 May 2012

Advertising and Photography and Fashion

Watching the adverts, marketing experts  are increasingly beginning to pay attention not only what they want to push on a market, but also on how they want us to perceive the product.

Among the many forms of advertising messages I want to draw attention to one very specific; advertising photography, for many number of reasons. Due to the fact that we as human are reading the messages from signs and images without noticing. How many times have I looked at the advert without thinking, as I was standing at the intersection or stop, by glancing at the poster or billboard. How often do we look without seeing, but we are creating in our minds some passages received from those adverts every day.

A static image as opposed to television advertising, can reveal the sequence of events, simultaneity, manipulate the dynamics of motion and much more. Photography is a category that includes the types of advertising such as advertising, press, direct .

Photography in advertising must meet certain "criteria" or "requirements". What is important, is the size, colour, clarity of images and the message behind it. It can present a product in a direct way, it may be associated with the commodity (the advertised product appears in the background), or may not have absolutely nothing to do with what company want to sell.

In general, the picture appears next to the trademark, logo, and sometimes text. Verbal information cannot be too long and cannot dominate over the same photograph.

Increasingly, advertisers refer to "a sequence of advertising." It is a presentation of a product, for example, on several successive pages of a magazine also used in fashion. In general, the first appearance of a password or an image is of interest, to attract attention. On the next page, the emotions increase, and the last photo explains everything. This is not the only scheme; the sequence can be placed on one side forming a bar similar to photographic film. The situation is similar to billboards is that is stretched in time. First, some intriguing posters appear throughout the city, after some time it is changed for another, even holding in suspense, and finally hangs a picture of the product. This pattern is characteristic not only for operating advertising photography. Also, those who use the drawings or computer processing based on this standard.

But the fundamental role is played by colour, light and human faces. Especially in fashion photography advertising. It is crucial to have the good model matching to the clothing product or accessories and style that company want to promote. In our days advertising fashion became more artistic due to the fact that normal photographs of the cloths wouldn’t persuade the audience to buy the product, simply because this technique was used ages ago and market is too big and competitors needs to fight; encourage to buy their product not competitors.

Back in the days even in 60s the drawing of the cloths did the function of the advert. Then it transferred into simple photographs till now where photographs are manipulating our vision of normal clothing. The photos of fashion now are there to touch our imagination and provoke us to desire the particular product or love our favourite label (company). 

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