Monday, 7 May 2012

Analyzing Art Fashion Photographs

This photo is scanned from the vogue magazine, representing the Moschino clothing lane. The photo-shoot the picture is taken from at is called Wild Game. In my opinion this image perfectly fitted into my topic and its signifying art and fashion combined together really well. The artistic side of it is the pose of the model, still with no movement, almost like a mannequin, what is unusual yet so creative. The model seems to be dead, however still attractive the message and intentions of photographer behind this photo might be the fact that even the model is seems to be dead or not moving or be just a mannequin  wearing Moschino clothes perform to be good-looking and appealing.  

This picture is also scanned from vogue magazine. I found the image attractive and artistic because even it is just a simple structured it is containing good lighting and shading. The window on a picture is highlighting the models’ beautiful features as well as creating the border to the photograph.  This image aim is to focus the viewer eyes on different pieces of clothing of that model is wearing. For example the glasses play important part because they are giving away this stereotype of student girl. Also model is exposing her right leg which is reviling her high shoes and this is where fashion is mixing with art.  

I chose this picture by Anthony Ward as the one to review because I think he had interesting idea. The model wearing colorful things, clothes is looking really glamorous being in an old terrace. The contrast between model and this location is dragging audience attention even more to the image. Besides the photo is fairy tale like, almost like a dream this is what makes it so arty. 

The last picture differs from the rest. It is representing more futuristic image of the woman. The background and colors are very toned with the exception of orange features on models collar which are certainly there to be visible; probably the new trend in the fashion, fashionable collars.

When analysing model posture she seems to be paralysed and standing still like a doll make from wax, only the pink lighting is emphasizes her highlights. The art side in this picture is the mood created by colours and model behaviour and shape within the image. Moreover it is appearing to be very innovating giving the viewer the nice ’’creature’’ to look at. 

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